It’s Easter at Celebration Lutheran!


Sunday March 31st, 10 AM


Easter Services will be full of music, fun, celebration, and reverence for the gift of Christ’s resurrection and all that means for us today.

We welcome our everyone; members, friends, families, and visitors to come join in the beauty of the day! After Easter Services, we will have the opportunity to enjoy coffee and Easter treats.



The children’s Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 11:30 am!

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell the disciples, ‘He has been raised from the dead, and indeed his is going ahead of you to Galilee.’

matthew 28:5-7a

Easter FAQs


Is Sunday School still happening?

No. There’s plenty of time for you to enjoy Easter morning at home before coming to worship at 10am.


How about Adult Forum?

Adult Forum is also canceled for the day so that our musicians have time to get ready for the celebration of worship!


Will there be communion?

Yes, we will celebrate communion. Everyone is welcome to come to the Lord’s table, regardless of membership or any other restriction you might imagine. The Lord’s table is for you, if you would like to participate.


Can I invite people?

Please do!


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We email prayer requests to the community, along with worship bulletins for online worship, updates on special events, and the monthly newsletter. In general, you can expect about 3-4 emails a week from Celebration Lutheran.